135 Walnut St. (Baraboo, WI.)
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Directions: Take Highway 18 north towards Baraboo. Turn right on Highway 159. Turn left on Highway 123. Take Highway 123 into Baraboo, then turn right on Walnut St.
The Inn is on the corner of Walnut & Lynne Streets.
The Baraboo Inn was built in 1864.
In the beginning, it was a popular saloon and brothel (being right across from the railroad, probably didn't hurt business any).
The building was vacated in 1988, and then was reopened in 2002, as a restaurant and bar on the first floor, and two apartment units on the second floor.
Despite the owner's efforts to keep the Baraboo Inn running, it was put up for sale, in 2008.
While the Baraboo Inn is believed to be haunted by more than one spirit (Over it's 144 year history, The Baraboo Inn has been the scene of many deaths. At least two owners, and three prostitutes have died at the Inn.), the spirit that seems to be the most active, is that of a woman, the staff has named "Mary".
Mary was a prostitute, who had bled to death in the Inn, in the early 1900's.
Dressed in "Saloon Dancer" attire, witnesses have seen Mary, behind the bar. Upstairs in the apartments, and even "cutting a rug" on the dance floor (Stevie Ray Vaughn is said to be a favorite of hers).
Except for the occassional prank, or item being thrown across the room, the spirit(s) at the Baraboo Inn seem more interested in having a good time than harming anyone.