Shore Rd. Fish Creek, WI. (inside Peninsula park)

Website: Eagle Bluff Lighthouse

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Directions: Take Highway 42 into Fish Creek and watch for the entrance to Peninsula State Park. Proceed along Shore Road approximately 3 1/2 miles to Eagle Bluff Lighthouse.

Built high on a bluff in Peninsula State Park in 1868, the Eagle Bluff lighthouse was a desperately needed tool in the Great Lakes shipping trade.

Standing 43 feet tall, the beacon in the Eagle Bluff tower was able to shine a light on the bay, from nearly 76 feet above the water. Very important, considering that this part of the bay was a major shipping route for boats leaving Green Bay for northern ports (no easy task considering that in this part of the bay, you had the bluffs on one side, and dangerous shoals on the other).

For 58 years (1868-1926), the lighthouse was manned by lighthousekeepers and their families. In 1926, the lighthouse went automated.

Between 1926 and 1960, the lighthouse began to fall apart. It wasn't until the Door County Historical Society (in 1960), decided to repair & restore the lighthouse. As a result of their efforts, the Eagle Bluff lighthouse was placed on the national register of Historic Places, in 1970.

  • The ghost of a young boy has been seen playing on the road near the lightouse, as well as the lighthouse grounds.

  • Unknown. Since there is no record of any children dying in the lighthouse, the identity of
    the young boy, and why he stays near the lighthouse is a mystery.

    ....Old postcard.