1400 State Road 23 (Dodgeville, WI.)
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Directions: From Highway 151 (coming from the east), take a right onto Highway 18, into Dodgeville. Take a right on Highway 23 (N. Bequette St.). The Subway, will be on the left-hand side. At the corner of Highway 23 & Highway YZ (King St.).

Prior to being a Subway Restaurant, a Harley Davidson shop, owned by a man named
Eugene Forbes, sat at this location.

Sometimes, the buildings we believe are haunted, today, we're not even around, when the event that caused the haunting, occurred. A perfect example of this, would be the Subway Restaurant in Dodgeville.
In the early evening hours of April 13th, 1984 (friday the 13th, to be exact), Eugene Foley, and his wife, Shirley, were traveling on highway 80, just south of Arthur, Wisconsin (north of Platteville), when they were struck head-on by a car driven by a young man, named Kelly Pindell (22).Pindell had veered over the center line, and into the Forbe's lane of traffic (the accident took place near the intersection of highway 80, and County highway A), striking their vehicle.Both Eugene, and Shirley were killed in the crash, as was Pindell, and his two passengers (also
young men in their early 20's).
Alan Forbes (Eugene's son) inherited the Harley Davidson shop, and eventually sold the land,
to the Subway franchise.
The years passed by, and all seemed calm. Then in 2000, things changed.
Subway employees began reporting strange occurences, taking place in the restaurant.Items were being knocked off their shelves. Employees hearing their name called, when no one else was around. Even more disturbing, was when some employees began seeing the vision of a woman
standing behind the cash register.Described as being about "50 years old". "Skinny", and wearing a dress. The woman is said to give a "dirty look" at the employees, and when confronted, she simply disappears,
before the bewildered employees eyes.
Some believe the woman at the register, is actually the spirit of Shirley Forbes, returning to the site of her husband's former business. Now, why she waited sixteen years after her death, to make her presence known, and why she gives Subway employees the "stink eye" is unclear.
Being that it is usually young people that are working in the restaurant, is it possible she holds a grudge against young people, stemming from the young person that killed her and
her husband on that friday the 13th in 1984?
Perhaps, just a crazy theory, by this author.

....Front counter, where the female spirit is seen (usually standing by the register).
....Highway 80 & County Highway A. Scene of the Forbes accident on 4/13/84.
....The accident bulletin in the Oelwein Daily Register 4/16/1984.